Bat Removal Services in BC & Greater Vancouver
Gilpin's Pest Control specializes in the humane removal of bats from structures. We realize the important role bats play in our ecosystem and help with insect control. The longer a bat colony is left untreated, the more difficult it will be to remove them from their nesting site. As soon as you know you have bats, we recommend a bat exclusion program. All current and possible entry points must be sealed, or the bat colony will simply find another entrance.
All holes ¼ inch and larger will be sealed with a high-quality sealant. The main exit holes will be found, and a one-way door will be installed to exclude the bats from the structure. The one-way door will be removed in 4-6 weeks to ensure all bats have left the structure, and none are trapped inside. The bats will likely try and find other ways into their nesting site, and this is why all possible entry points need to be sealed. To keep the bats around with all of their benefits, we install specially designed bat houses to attract them and give the bat colony a more suitable nesting location. The bat houses can be installed on the side of your buildings, or a neighboring tree or post. The proper location of the bat houses is key in order for the bat colony to find an alternate nesting site.
Bat Exclusion Services
Bat exclusion is a process to not harm the colony. If the infestation is caught early enough, we can successfully exclude bats in 2-4 weeks. If a bat infestation has been left for a few years or longer, the process may take up to 1-2 years.
Our bat exclusion services are offered throughout Greater Vancouver and throughout the BC Interior. Please contact us for information and estimates.
We Also Offer: Removal of bat droppings and contaminated insulation, and sanitizing and deodorizing infested areas.